From NFT Collection to OpenSea Drop
From NFT Collection to OpenSea Drop

A Journey into the Tech

Hello everyone! I’m Ping Doohan, the artist and developer behind the “Shiba Inu Burn Art” collection. Today, I want to guide you through my journey, from the beginning of my collection to the challenges and experiences I’ve had while transitioning my collection for OpenSea Drops.

The Start of My NFT Collection

In 2021, I launched my “Shiba Inu Burn Club” collection with the aim of finding long-term funding to further develop my work. Instead of pursuing traditional marketing, I chose a different approach. I distributed 56 of my NFTs for free across multiple Reddit posts in the OpenSea subreddit, hoping to raise awareness of my work and encourage community interaction.

Here are the links to these actions:

Reddit Drop 1
Reddit Drop 2

Unfortunately, this strategy did not achieve the results I had hoped for. The drops did not attract the expected attention and interactions, prompting me to reconsider my approach.

The Display Problem

A significant part of my work consisted of creating unique GIFs. However, the size and complexity of these artworks caused issues on my OpenSea storefront. Despite multiple contacts with the OpenSea support team, some of my NFTs could not be displayed correctly.

The Decision to Take the Alleged Royal Road

When I learned about OpenSea Drops and contracts, I realized this could be a more effective way to manage and sell my collection. But I also found out that my existing collection was not suitable for drops, and that changes were needed to make it compatible.

The Transition to the ERC721 SeaDrop Contract

To make Shiba Burn Club collection compatible for drops, I had to transition it to an ERC721 SeaDrop contract. This was a technically challenging task that forced me to ensure all metadata were correct and the conditions of the new contract were met.

In addition, the shiba inu burn art collection has recently been updated with new metadata. This update includes the ethscan link of the token burn. The inclusion of this information was necessary to provide transparency and accountability for the token burn.

The Challenge with IPFS and

Another hurdle was the need to host my GIFs on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) securely deliver them to my customers. This proved particularly challenging, as even struggled to handle a collection with a total volume of 133 GB.

Through all these challenges and hurdles, I have learned a lot and have continued to develop my skills as an artist and developer.

I look forward to sharing more insights and experiences with you all as I continue my journey in the world of NFTs and digital art.

Ping Doohan

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